【協會活動】國際整理日 World Organizing Day
🥰520 國際整理日 World Organizing Day🌍
每年5月20日是由國際專業整理協會聯盟 IFPOA 創立的國際整理日World Organizing Day🤩。這個日子是為了提高公眾對整理的好處的認識,提醒我們整理物品和梳理生活空間的重要性,並讓人認識整理師和整理協會如何透過教育和服務協助大眾重塑空間,提升生活質素,活得幸福🧡。
你會怎樣慶祝國際整理日?不妨從簡單的事情開始,例如整理書架、折疊衣服或是清理電子郵件inbox。你會驚訝這些小改變能給你帶來的滿足感和心情的提升🥰🥰🥰!by 會長🍊
May 20th is World Organizing Day.
World Organizing Day is a global initiative founded by the International Federation of Professional Organizing Associations (IFPOA) to celebrate the work of organizing and productivity professionals.
This designated day aims to increase public awareness of the benefits of getting organized. It highlights the work of organizing and productivity professionals who enrich the personal and professional lives of their clients.
It also recognizes the accomplishments of individuals and organizations in their efforts to become more organized and productive.
#HAPO #香港專業整理收納協會 #人人都可成為自己的整理師 #睇餸食飯生活態度 #國際交流 #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #declutter #organise #organize #WorldOrganizingDay #WorldOrganisingDay #atomichabits #littlechanges